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Turn Angelina Jolie into an alien

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Turn Angelina Jolie into an alien Empty Turn Angelina Jolie into an alien

Post by  Sun Dec 23, 2007 1:45 pm

step 1

You can usually
find fairly large images using GoogleImage Search, hi rez setting. You
should choose the largest photo you can find, we will need to keep some
portions large while shrinking the others. Your final result will be
smaller than the original image, keep that in mind.Turn Angelina Jolie into an alien Alien%20Actor_step1_4749fde2eac28

step 2

your image in photoshop and name the layer "FaceBackground." Make a
copy of the layer for safe keeping and hide it. Do a quick and dirty
selection around the facial area and put it on a new layer. Name this
layer "BigFace." Make this layer 50% opacity for now. Go to
FaceBackground layer and shrink it until one of the eyeballs fits like
a giant one on her forehead. *See pic.

Turn BigFace layer back to 100% and make a copy of it for safe keeping and hide the copy. Turn Angelina Jolie into an alien Alien%20Actor_step2_474a00cd0b853

step 3

on BigFace layer and copy each eyeball to their own layers. Use the
outer halves of each eyeball to form the large one for the forehead.
Erase any of the remaining picture. In most cases, it is sufficient to
just use a regular feathered eraser around the eye for blending it into
the forehead. Use any natural wrinkles or skin folds that come with the
eye, it looks more authentic.

Merge the eye layers into one and name it "BigEye."Turn Angelina Jolie into an alien Alien%20Actor_step3_474a011e52f53

step 4

the same thing with the lips, put them on their own layer (name it
BigMouth) and position over face and erase extra stuff. You can use
Filter/Liquify to distort or make any adjustments to the mouth or eyes.

Keep in mind what you want to do with the nose. If you want to give
your alien a huge honker, then you might want the mouth tiny. Think
about the entire design while you're making all these adjustments along
the way.

I've decided my alien won't have a nose at all. So I made the mouth HUGE!Turn Angelina Jolie into an alien Alien%20Actor_step4_474a02500759d

step 5

for the ear. I think a little point on the tip is all she needs. You
may do more if you like. Go to FaceBackground layer and use the square
marquee to select an area around the ear, copy to new layer, name it
Ear. Go to Filter/Liquify and play around until you have something you

TIP: Make the tiniest increments of change as possible. It takes longer
but the image will stay sharper. If you take a huge brush and make a
major stroke, it will become very blurry. Remember, you can always undo!

When done distorting, erase any extra stuff from around the ear and merge down into FaceBackground.Turn Angelina Jolie into an alien Alien%20Actor_step5_474a03d3802ce

Favourite Game : MuOnline
Registration date : 1969-12-31

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Turn Angelina Jolie into an alien Empty Re: Turn Angelina Jolie into an alien

Post by  Sun Dec 23, 2007 1:45 pm

step 6

Time to clone
out the nose. Go to BigFace layer, with the clone tool gently clone
over the nose using other areas of her face as texture and color.

Later, I also clone over the eyebrows, you can do this now to save time.Turn Angelina Jolie into an alien Alien%20Actor_step6_474a064745c1f

step 7

face looks kind of empty without the nose, so I think we should bring
her jaw up, making her face rounder/shorter. Use square marquee and
select around the lower half of the face. You may use the pen tool and
draw around the bottom of the jaw if you want to.

Copy your selection to its own layer. Move the layer up until you think
the positioning is good. You may need to use Liquify to distort the
edges around ears, etc. Erase any extra junk, make sure the neck is
lined up, etc.

Merge the jaw layer into the FaceBackground layer when you are done.Turn Angelina Jolie into an alien Alien%20Actor_step7_474a0883f3a98

step 8

Now, we should be done with all the facial adjustments, remember to clone out the eyebrows at some point (doesn't matter when.)

I think our alien needs some tentacles coming out of her face. I want
to use some of her hair as the coloring/texture of the tentacles.

Use the lasso tool and select an area of hair for texture. Copy it to a
new document. Crop the image down to an area that is completely covered
with hair. *See pic.Turn Angelina Jolie into an alien Alien%20Actor_step8_474a0aa85199c

step 9

Stay in the new document.

I'm not completely happy with my texture of hair, so I'm going to
adjust it a little. Go to Filter/Pattern Maker, select the image by
click dragging around tit, the marching ants will appear. Go to the
upper right, click "Generate," repeatedly until you find a texture you
like. then hit okay.Turn Angelina Jolie into an alien Alien%20Actor_step9_474a0b6011773

step 10

Next, go to edit/Define Pattern and name it "TentacleTexture." Hit 'okay' and clost the document, no need to save it.Turn Angelina Jolie into an alien Alien%20Actor_step10_474a0bb463a6d

Favourite Game : MuOnline
Registration date : 1969-12-31

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Turn Angelina Jolie into an alien Empty Re: Turn Angelina Jolie into an alien

Post by  Sun Dec 23, 2007 1:46 pm

step 11

Go back to the original document, make a new layer.

Use the pen tool and draw the shape of a tentacle. Make your path a
selection by control clicking on the path thumbnail. Go to Edit/Fill,
choose the pattern we just defined. Click okay.

Double click on the layer to bring up Layer Properties.

First: Inner Shadow, play around until you find something you like. The object is to make the tentacle look rounder.Turn Angelina Jolie into an alien Alien%20Actor_step11_474a0ce95d626

step 12

Next is the Inner Glow. Play around with it.Turn Angelina Jolie into an alien Alien%20Actor_step12_474a0da566847

step 13

Continue making tentacles following those steps.

Now it's time for the tentacle bases. The spot where the tentacles exit the skin needs to have some skin folds and some shading.

Go to FaceBackground layer and use the round marquee tool to select the
area of skin where it might be bulged up around the base of a tentacle.Turn Angelina Jolie into an alien Alien%20Actor_step13_474a0eb8dc362

step 14

your selection to its own layer. You should have a little round piece
of skin on its own layer. Double click layer to bring up Layer
Properties, and adjust for shading, etc.

When done adjusting, erase the inside of the selection. This will bring
in shading from the center and look more realistic. Play around and
you'll see what I mean.

Gently erase around the edges of the base to blend better.

Do this to all the tentacle bases and merge them into the FaceBackground layer.Turn Angelina Jolie into an alien Alien%20Actor_step14_474a0fb4ec4c8

step 15

Note: DO NOT merge any tentacles with their bases yet!

Take a moment to merge all the skin items together, face, eyes, lips, tentacle bases.

Keep tentacles on separate layers.

If you haven't cloned out the eyebrows, do it now.

Now is also the time to delete all the 'original' layers and any copies we don't need.

Let's change her skin color. Make a copy of face layer. Go to
Image/Adjust Hue/saturation. Play around until you find something you
like.Turn Angelina Jolie into an alien Alien%20Actor_step15_474a1164e73b8

Favourite Game : MuOnline
Registration date : 1969-12-31

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Turn Angelina Jolie into an alien Empty Re: Turn Angelina Jolie into an alien

Post by  Sun Dec 23, 2007 1:46 pm

step 16

anything extra, that you don't want the changed color on. Then merge
the two face layers. Make a copy of the merged face layer and turn it
to multiply. Make another copy, also as multiply. Now the skin tone
looks darker and more realistic.
Do the same layer copying/multiply effect on the tentacles too. Crop your image down to desired size and you're done!Turn Angelina Jolie into an alien Alien%20Actor_step16_474a12deb525a

Favourite Game : MuOnline
Registration date : 1969-12-31

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