[Guide] Server File Setup+Router Support
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[Guide] Server File Setup+Router Support
Alright I Made This Guide For Some People That Wont Search For Server File Setup Or Just Dont Understand.
Non Router Guide!
Step One Download Server Files From Here
Step 2:
The Basic Files You Will Need To Edit Are:
Commonserver.cfg (/data folder)
IpList.dat (/data folder)
commonloc.cfg (in the /lang/chs, kor or tai folder)
Connectserverlist.dat (in the /CS folder)
Connectserverlist.dat (in the /CS/Data folder)
ServerInfo.dat (in the /CS/Data folder)
ServerList.dat (in the /CS/Data folder)
The Commonserver.cfg:
Words in Red Will Need To Be Editied
Global Ip= http://ipchicken.com (you can find it there)
Local Ip= Command Prompt And type in ipconfig and the 192.168.x.x will be yours
Language = 0 ; 0:Korea, 1:English, 2:Japan, 3:China, 4:Taiwan
ItemSerialCheck = 0 ; Checks every item ( prevents item dupe )
SpeedHackPlayerBlock = 0 ; Stops using of speedhacks
AddExperience = 40; % of xp per mob
StalkProtocol = 0 ;
StalkProtocolId = gg ;
CharacterDeleteMinLevel = 349 ; level 41 cant delete char
CreateCharacter = 1 ; Can create chars
;// GAME
GuildCreateLevel = 180 ; Level to create guilds
GuildCreate = 1 ; Can Create Guilds
GuildDestroy = 1 ; Can delete guilds
Trade = 1 ; Trade Available
;Chaos Event
ChaosBox = 1 ; Chaos Machine Available
ChaosEvent = 1 ; Golden Budge Dragons
ChaosEventServer = ; ʼþ¶ÔÓ¦·þÎñÆ÷
AttackEventRegenTime = 100 ; 100m for event regen
PKTIME = 1 ; Amount of time for pk
PKItemDrop = 1 ; Pk drops item when dead
MonsterHp = 0 ; Hp of mosnter 0 = 100 , 80 = monster with less 80% of hp ( meaning 20% )
ItemDropPer = 35 ; % of Item drops
;Zen duration time ( secs )
ZenDurationTime = 50
;NPC Talking
MerryXMasTalkNpc = 0 ; NPC Talking Chirstmas
HappyNewYearTalkNpc = 0 ; NPC Talking New Year
EnableEventNPCTalk = 1 ; NPC Talking
;Anti Hack Settings
AttackSpeedTimeLimit = 800
IsIgnorePacketHackDetect = 1
HackCheckCount = 3
MinimumAttackSpeedTime = 200
DecTimePerAttackSpeed = 5.33
; ?¥Penalty = 3 ; SPEED HACK? PANALTY*È
DetectedHackKickCount = 15 ; HACK CHECK COUNT
IsKickDetecHackCountLimit = 1 ; HACK CHECK COUNT
;Red Dragon Event
EVENT1 = 1 ; Let it be 0 , or GS will take too much memory ( ReD dragons arent Available )
Event1ItemDropTodayMax = 1 ;
Event1ItemDropTodayPercent = 1 ;
XMasEvent = 0
XMasEvent_StarOfXMasDropRate = 1
XMasEvent_ItemDropRateForStarOfXMas =1
FireCrackerEvent = 1 ;
FireCrackerDropRate = 500 ; 4000/10000=40% FireCrackerDropRate/10000
ItemDropRateForFireCracker = 5 ; 9/10=90% ItemDropRateForFireCracker/10
DevilSquareEvent = 1 ;
DevilSquareEventServer = [color=Red] ; ¶ñħ¹ã³¡Ê¼þ·þÎñÆ÷IP
DevilSquareEventConnect = 1
EyesOfDevilSquareDropRate = 1 ; 3/10=30%
KeyOfDevilSquareDropRate = 1 ; 3/10=30%
;Medal Events
MedalEvent = 1
GoldMedalDropRate = 700
SilverMedalDropRate = 800
ItemDropRateForGoldMedal = 20
ItemDropRateForSilverMedal = 20
EventChipServerConnect = 1
EventChipServerIp =; ¶ñħ¹ã³¡Ê¼þ·þÎñÆ÷IP
EventChipEvent = 1
BoxOfGoldDropRate = 300 ; BoxOfGoldDropRate/10000
ItemDropRateForBoxOfGold = 1
EventChipDropRateForBoxOfGold = 1 ; EventChipDropRateForBoxOfGold/100
HeartOfLoveEvent = 1
HeartOfLoveDropRate = 500 ; ItemDropRateForFireCracker/10000
ItemDropRateForHeartOfLove = 20 ; ItemDropRateForFireCrack
;GoldenMob Attack
IsEledoradoEvent = 1 ;
;Regen time for the Golden mobs event (minutes)
EledoradoGoldGoblenRegenTime = 60
EledoradoTitanRegenTime = 60
EledoradoGoldDerconRegenTime = 60
EledoradoDevilLizardKingRegenTime = 60
EledoradoDevilTantarosRegenTime = 60
;Drop rare for Golden mobs
EledoradoGoldGoblenItemDropRate = 95
EledoradoGoldGoblenExItemDropRate = 95
EledoradoTitanItemDropRate = 90
EledoradoTitanExItemDropRate = 90
EledoradoGoldDerconItemDropRate = 85
EledoradoGoldDerconExItemDropRate = 85
EledoradoDevilLizardKingItemDropRate = 80
EledoradoDevilLizardKingExItemDropRate = 80
EledoradoDevilTantarosItemDropRate = 75
EledoradoDevilTantarosExItemDropRate = 75
BloodCastleEvent = 1
BloodCastleStartHour = 1 ; ¨C1 / 2 ( 30m/1h/2h )
AngelKingsPaperDropRate = 100 ; (AngelKingsPaperDropRate / 10000)
BloodBoneDropRate = 100 ; (BloodBoneDropRate / 10000)
StoneItemDrop = 1 ; event ( Bless Fragment ) ( not working
StoneDropRate = 1 ; (StoneDropRate/ 10000)
The Files In Red Will Need To Be Changed To Local Ip If You Have A Router. You Can find your "Local Ip" by typing ipconfig in the Command Prompt.
The IpList.dat:
// ³»ºÎ IP
This Will Need to be changed To Your Global Ip which you can find at http://ipchicken.com
The commonloc.cfg:
;Á¢¼Ó¼*¹ö ÁÖ¼Ò¿Í Æ÷Æ®¹øÈ£
IP =
PORT = 55557
ClientExeVersion = 0.97.00
ClientExeSerial = DaRKSideOfMU_979
LootingTime = 30 ; ·çÆà ½Ã°£ (ÃÊ
This file will be different for everyone else depending on the language but put your Global Ip which can be found at http://ipchicken.com
The Connectserverlist.dat:
//Server List
0 "Name of Server" "" 55901 "SHOW"
This Should be Changed To Your Global Ip And that will be found at http://ipchicken.com
The Connectserverlist.dat:
//Server List
0 "Name of Server" "" 55901 "SHOW"
This Should be Changed To Your Global Ip And that will be found at http://ipchicken.com
The ServerInfo.dat:
Address =
Port = 21
ID = MuOnline
PASS = MuOnline
ClientVersion = 0.97.00
ClientVersion_TEST = 0.97.00
VersionFileName = version.wvd
DownLoadType = 0
This should be changed to your Global Ip
The ServerList.dat:
//Server List
0 "Name of Server" "" 55901 "SHOW"
This should be changed to your Global ip
Non Router Guide!
Step One Download Server Files From Here
Step 2:
The Basic Files You Will Need To Edit Are:
Commonserver.cfg (/data folder)
IpList.dat (/data folder)
commonloc.cfg (in the /lang/chs, kor or tai folder)
Connectserverlist.dat (in the /CS folder)
Connectserverlist.dat (in the /CS/Data folder)
ServerInfo.dat (in the /CS/Data folder)
ServerList.dat (in the /CS/Data folder)
The Commonserver.cfg:
Words in Red Will Need To Be Editied
Global Ip= http://ipchicken.com (you can find it there)
Local Ip= Command Prompt And type in ipconfig and the 192.168.x.x will be yours
Language = 0 ; 0:Korea, 1:English, 2:Japan, 3:China, 4:Taiwan
ItemSerialCheck = 0 ; Checks every item ( prevents item dupe )
SpeedHackPlayerBlock = 0 ; Stops using of speedhacks
AddExperience = 40; % of xp per mob
StalkProtocol = 0 ;
StalkProtocolId = gg ;
CharacterDeleteMinLevel = 349 ; level 41 cant delete char
CreateCharacter = 1 ; Can create chars
;// GAME
GuildCreateLevel = 180 ; Level to create guilds
GuildCreate = 1 ; Can Create Guilds
GuildDestroy = 1 ; Can delete guilds
Trade = 1 ; Trade Available
;Chaos Event
ChaosBox = 1 ; Chaos Machine Available
ChaosEvent = 1 ; Golden Budge Dragons
ChaosEventServer = ; ʼþ¶ÔÓ¦·þÎñÆ÷
AttackEventRegenTime = 100 ; 100m for event regen
PKTIME = 1 ; Amount of time for pk
PKItemDrop = 1 ; Pk drops item when dead
MonsterHp = 0 ; Hp of mosnter 0 = 100 , 80 = monster with less 80% of hp ( meaning 20% )
ItemDropPer = 35 ; % of Item drops
;Zen duration time ( secs )
ZenDurationTime = 50
;NPC Talking
MerryXMasTalkNpc = 0 ; NPC Talking Chirstmas
HappyNewYearTalkNpc = 0 ; NPC Talking New Year
EnableEventNPCTalk = 1 ; NPC Talking
;Anti Hack Settings
AttackSpeedTimeLimit = 800
IsIgnorePacketHackDetect = 1
HackCheckCount = 3
MinimumAttackSpeedTime = 200
DecTimePerAttackSpeed = 5.33
; ?¥Penalty = 3 ; SPEED HACK? PANALTY*È
DetectedHackKickCount = 15 ; HACK CHECK COUNT
IsKickDetecHackCountLimit = 1 ; HACK CHECK COUNT
;Red Dragon Event
EVENT1 = 1 ; Let it be 0 , or GS will take too much memory ( ReD dragons arent Available )
Event1ItemDropTodayMax = 1 ;
Event1ItemDropTodayPercent = 1 ;
XMasEvent = 0
XMasEvent_StarOfXMasDropRate = 1
XMasEvent_ItemDropRateForStarOfXMas =1
FireCrackerEvent = 1 ;
FireCrackerDropRate = 500 ; 4000/10000=40% FireCrackerDropRate/10000
ItemDropRateForFireCracker = 5 ; 9/10=90% ItemDropRateForFireCracker/10
DevilSquareEvent = 1 ;
DevilSquareEventServer = [color=Red] ; ¶ñħ¹ã³¡Ê¼þ·þÎñÆ÷IP
DevilSquareEventConnect = 1
EyesOfDevilSquareDropRate = 1 ; 3/10=30%
KeyOfDevilSquareDropRate = 1 ; 3/10=30%
;Medal Events
MedalEvent = 1
GoldMedalDropRate = 700
SilverMedalDropRate = 800
ItemDropRateForGoldMedal = 20
ItemDropRateForSilverMedal = 20
EventChipServerConnect = 1
EventChipServerIp =; ¶ñħ¹ã³¡Ê¼þ·þÎñÆ÷IP
EventChipEvent = 1
BoxOfGoldDropRate = 300 ; BoxOfGoldDropRate/10000
ItemDropRateForBoxOfGold = 1
EventChipDropRateForBoxOfGold = 1 ; EventChipDropRateForBoxOfGold/100
HeartOfLoveEvent = 1
HeartOfLoveDropRate = 500 ; ItemDropRateForFireCracker/10000
ItemDropRateForHeartOfLove = 20 ; ItemDropRateForFireCrack
;GoldenMob Attack
IsEledoradoEvent = 1 ;
;Regen time for the Golden mobs event (minutes)
EledoradoGoldGoblenRegenTime = 60
EledoradoTitanRegenTime = 60
EledoradoGoldDerconRegenTime = 60
EledoradoDevilLizardKingRegenTime = 60
EledoradoDevilTantarosRegenTime = 60
;Drop rare for Golden mobs
EledoradoGoldGoblenItemDropRate = 95
EledoradoGoldGoblenExItemDropRate = 95
EledoradoTitanItemDropRate = 90
EledoradoTitanExItemDropRate = 90
EledoradoGoldDerconItemDropRate = 85
EledoradoGoldDerconExItemDropRate = 85
EledoradoDevilLizardKingItemDropRate = 80
EledoradoDevilLizardKingExItemDropRate = 80
EledoradoDevilTantarosItemDropRate = 75
EledoradoDevilTantarosExItemDropRate = 75
BloodCastleEvent = 1
BloodCastleStartHour = 1 ; ¨C1 / 2 ( 30m/1h/2h )
AngelKingsPaperDropRate = 100 ; (AngelKingsPaperDropRate / 10000)
BloodBoneDropRate = 100 ; (BloodBoneDropRate / 10000)
StoneItemDrop = 1 ; event ( Bless Fragment ) ( not working
StoneDropRate = 1 ; (StoneDropRate/ 10000)
The Files In Red Will Need To Be Changed To Local Ip If You Have A Router. You Can find your "Local Ip" by typing ipconfig in the Command Prompt.
The IpList.dat:
// ³»ºÎ IP
This Will Need to be changed To Your Global Ip which you can find at http://ipchicken.com
The commonloc.cfg:
;Á¢¼Ó¼*¹ö ÁÖ¼Ò¿Í Æ÷Æ®¹øÈ£
IP =
PORT = 55557
ClientExeVersion = 0.97.00
ClientExeSerial = DaRKSideOfMU_979
LootingTime = 30 ; ·çÆà ½Ã°£ (ÃÊ
This file will be different for everyone else depending on the language but put your Global Ip which can be found at http://ipchicken.com
The Connectserverlist.dat:
//Server List
0 "Name of Server" "" 55901 "SHOW"
This Should be Changed To Your Global Ip And that will be found at http://ipchicken.com
The Connectserverlist.dat:
//Server List
0 "Name of Server" "" 55901 "SHOW"
This Should be Changed To Your Global Ip And that will be found at http://ipchicken.com
The ServerInfo.dat:
Address =
Port = 21
ID = MuOnline
PASS = MuOnline
ClientVersion = 0.97.00
ClientVersion_TEST = 0.97.00
VersionFileName = version.wvd
DownLoadType = 0
This should be changed to your Global Ip
The ServerList.dat:
//Server List
0 "Name of Server" "" 55901 "SHOW"
This should be changed to your Global ip
- Favourite Game : MuOnline
Registration date : 1969-12-31
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